samedi 5 mai 2018

Bits from Debian Bits from Debian

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie que ZFS est inclus dans Debian?
Dim. 15 mai 2016 par Ana Guerrero Lopez avec les tags zfs contrib

Petter Reinholdtsen a récemment blogué sur la disponibilité de ZFS dans Debian. Beaucoup de gens ont travaillé dur pour que le support ZFS soit disponible dans Debian et nous voudrions remercier tous ceux qui ont participé à ce point et expliquer ce que signifie ZFS dans Debian.

L'atterrissage de ZFS dans l'archive Debian a été bloqué pendant des années en raison de problèmes de licence. Enfin, l'inclusion de ZFS a été annoncée il y a un peu plus d'un an, en avril 2015 par le DPL Lucas Nussbaum qui écrivait: «Nous avons reçu un avis juridique de Software Freedom Law Center sur l'inclusion de libdvdcss et ZFS dans Debian. devrait débloquer la situation dans les deux cas et nous permettre de les expédier bientôt dans Debian. " En Janvier de cette année, le chef du projet suivant, Neil McGovern a blogué avec beaucoup plus de détails sur la situation juridique derrière cela et l'a résumé comme "TLDR: Il va dans contrib, comme un module dkms source seulement."

ZFS n'est pas disponible exactement dans Debian, puisque Debian n'est que ce qui est inclus dans l'archive de la section "principale". Ce que les gens voulaient dire ici, c'est que le code ZFS est maintenant inclus dans "contrib" et qu'il est disponible pour les utilisateurs utilisant DKMS.

Beaucoup de gens ont aussi mélangé cela avec Ubuntu, y compris ZFS. Cependant, Debian et Ubuntu ne font pas la même chose, Ubuntu expédie directement les modules du noyau préconstruits, quelque chose qui est considéré comme une violation de la GPL. Comme l'a écrit le Software Freedom Conservancy "alors qu'il est sous licence sous une licence acceptable pour les directives du logiciel libre de Debian, il a également une utilisation par défaut qui peut causer des problèmes de licence pour les utilisateurs Debian en aval".

jeudi 3 mai 2018

  • OPENSTEP will now shut down and then tell you it's safe to turn it off. Reset the VM and let it boot up again.

  • OPENSTEP Installation Guide

    OPENSTEP Installation Guide

    What is this?

    OPENSTEP was an operating system created by NeXT Software Inc. It served as the basis for Mac OS X after Steve Jobs came back to Apple after Apple acquired NeXT. This is simply to teach and show computer history.


    • OPENSTEP 4.2 User for Intel - Download
    • OPENSTEP 4.2 Developer for Intel - Download
    • Install Disk Floppy Image - Download
    • Drivers Floppy Image - Download
    • Network Driver + Patch 4 Bundle - Download
    • Parallels Desktop 9+ OR VMware OR VirtualBox (this guide is for Parallels only, however, the files work with the other virtualization programs as well).

    Optional Downloads

    • Network Driver (Standalone for VirtualBox) - Download
    • OPENSTEP 4.2 Dev Patch (Standalone) - Download

    Set up a VM

    1. Create a new VM inside Parallels. Select "Other" as OS.
    2. Make sure to configure the hardware:

      • CPU: 1
      • RAM: 64 MB
      • Graphics: 64 MB with 3D Acceleration and Vsync
      • 2 GB simple Disk
    3. Configure HDD, Floppy and CD like this:

      • HDD on IDE 0:0
      • CD on IDE 1:0
      • Floppy Connected

    Mount images

    1. Mount 4.2_Install_Disk.floppyimage in the floppy drive.
    2. Mount Openstep-4.2-Intel-User.iso in the CD drive.


    Preparing the installation

    1. Boot up the VM. When asked to enter something, do NOT enter anything and wait.
    2. Enter the number of the language you want to use. 1 is Englisch, 3 is German.
    3. When asked to erase the hard drive, do so by entering 1.
    4. Now the installer will ask you to insert the driver disk. Do so by switching the floppy image to 4.2_Custom_Driver_Disk.floppyimage. Then press ENTER.
    5. When presented with the drivers screen, enter 7 twice until you can see the entry for Primary/Sencodary(Dual) EIDE/ATAPI Device Controller (v4.03).
      Enter 5.
    6. Repeat Step #5.
    7. When asked if you want to load additional drivers, enter 1 to continue without doing so.
    8. You will now see a white screen loading stuff. Let it run. If a kernel panics happens here, make sure the CD and HDD are connected to the correct IDE slots.

    Running Setup

    1. You are now entering the setup. Enter 1 to start.
    2. Continue entering 1 until setup beings. This will only format the drive.
    3. Wait until the installer finishes. You will see a progress bar of dots and equal signs. They will fill twice.
    4. When the installer finishes, disconnect the floppy drive and press ENTER.
      This step will take a moment.


    1. OPENSTEP will now complain about missing drivers. Insert the drivers floppy again and enter 1.
    2. OPENSTEP will boot and load up.
    3. Two alerts will pop up. Simply press OK.
    4. You will see a dialog "Summary of Devices". Do not change anything here. Just save and confirm the dialog warning of an incomplete configuration.
      Configuring stuff already can break the VM so don't do it.
    5. In the following dialog uncheck all languages that you don't want. Leave the rest checked.
      The installer will now take a short moment to configure the packages. Even though the installer says it's NeXTSTEP, it is OPENSTEP.
    6. When the installer has completed, disconnect the floppy and restart.
    7. In the upcoming dialog, select your preferred language and keyboard layout and continue.
    8. If any dialog appears stating that the floppy is unreadable, simply press Eject and continue with the next part.

    The system is now installed...

    Screenshot of OpenStep

    ...but you're missing drivers.

    The system doesn't have any graphics or networking drivers, yet. We're going to solve at least the graphics. We will now install Patch 4 that solves the Year2K-bug and introduces a VESA-driver for better graphics. Do not get scared by the number of steps. Many steps are only clicks on buttons.

    1. Click on Disk, then Eject inside the Workspace menu. If there is any complaint about something being unreadable, simply eject anway.
    2. Mount ne2k+os42patch4+vmwarefb.iso into the CD drive (you can eject the installation iso).
    3. Click on the newly visible CD icon.
    4. Copy the contents of the CD to the folder me. You do so by marking all three items and dragging them to me.
    5. Go to me and double click os42machuserpatch4.tar. This will bring up a dialog stating that the file is compressed. Click Unarchive there.
    6. Please be patient. You wil not see any progress. Wait until you see a new file OS42MachUserPatch4.pkg before you close the inspector.
    7. Open /NextApps/
    8. Type in the following commands:


      /NextAdmin/ /me/OS42MachUserPatch4.pkg

    9. Click Install in the now appearing Installer.
    10. Leave everything at default and click Install.
    11. When asked to confirm that the package runs programs during the operation, click Continue.
    12. When asked to continue even if some of them are installed, click Continue.
    13. When the installation has completed, reboot by double-clicking the NeXT-icon in the upper right, then Log out and finally Power off.
    14. You may read again that the floppy disk is unreadable. Eject it once again.
    15. Run /NextAdmin/
    16. Click on the monitor icon in the top row. In the now appearing dialog scroll down to VESA VBE 2.0 Display Driver (v1.00). You cannot use the wheel to scroll but have to drag the scrollbar on the left. Then click Add.
    17. Click Done, then Save.
    18. Reboot once more.
    19. You will now see a blue/white window while booting instead of the Openstep logo. If this happens, you've installed the driver successfully. You should then get a "nicely" colored desktop.
    20. We'll now change the resolution so you have more space to work with. To do that open up /NextAdmin/ once more, click on the monitor symbol and click Select in the section Display Mode. Choose a resolution you like but don't shoot too high. I recommend 1152x870.
    21. Reboot again after saving and tadaa, you have more space!


    You're done!

    I included the NE2k networking driver but could not yet figure out how to get it up and running in Parallels. If you have any ideas, shoot me an email to
    The VMware-file is for VMware users who like to experiment with more than the standard VESA driver.

    Have fun running the system that saved Apple and probably made a whole new industry possible!

    Additional Notes

    The developer image provides development tools like Interface Builder and sample Objective-C code to explore. You can run all the samples by clicking the Demos folder in the toolbar.

    Last Update

    January 20th, 2018

    OPENSTEP Installation Guide What is this?

    OPENSTEP was an operating system created by NeXT Software Inc. It served as the basis for Mac OS X after Steve Jobs came back to Apple after Apple acquired NeXT. This is simply to teach and show computer history.

    OPENSTEP 4.2 User for Intel - Download
    OPENSTEP 4.2 Developer for Intel - Download
    Install Disk Floppy Image - Download
    Drivers Floppy Image - Download
    Network Driver + Patch 4 Bundle - Download
    Parallels Desktop 9+ OR VMware OR VirtualBox (this guide is for Parallels only, however, the files work with the other virtualization programs as well).

    Optional Downloads

    Network Driver (Standalone for VirtualBox) - Download
    OPENSTEP 4.2 Dev Patch (Standalone) - Download

    Set up a VM

    Create a new VM inside Parallels. Select "Other" as OS.
    Make sure to configure the hardware:
    CPU: 1
    RAM: 64 MB
    Graphics: 64 MB with 3D Acceleration and Vsync
    2 GB simple Disk
    Configure HDD, Floppy and CD like this:
    HDD on IDE 0:0
    CD on IDE 1:0
    Floppy Connected

    Mount images

    Mount 4.2_Install_Disk.floppyimage in the floppy drive.
    Mount Openstep-4.2-Intel-User.iso in the CD drive.

    Preparing the installation

    Boot up the VM. When asked to enter something, do NOT enter anything and wait.
    Enter the number of the language you want to use. 1 is Englisch, 3 is German.
    When asked to erase the hard drive, do so by entering 1.
    Now the installer will ask you to insert the driver disk. Do so by switching the floppy image to 4.2_Custom_Driver_Disk.floppyimage. Then press ENTER.
    When presented with the drivers screen, enter 7 twice until you can see the entry for Primary/Sencodary(Dual) EIDE/ATAPI Device Controller (v4.03).
    Enter 5.
    Repeat Step #5.
    When asked if you want to load additional drivers, enter 1 to continue without doing so.
    You will now see a white screen loading stuff. Let it run. If a kernel panics happens here, make sure the CD and HDD are connected to the correct IDE slots.

    Running Setup

    You are now entering the setup. Enter 1 to start.
    Continue entering 1 until setup beings. This will only format the drive.
    Wait until the installer finishes. You will see a progress bar of dots and equal signs. They will fill twice.
    When the installer finishes, disconnect the floppy drive and press ENTER.
    This step will take a moment.


    OPENSTEP will now complain about missing drivers. Insert the drivers floppy again and enter 1.
    OPENSTEP will boot and load up.
    Two alerts will pop up. Simply press OK.
    You will see a dialog "Summary of Devices". Do not change anything here. Just save and confirm the dialog warning of an incomplete configuration.
    Configuring stuff already can break the VM so don't do it.
    In the following dialog uncheck all languages that you don't want. Leave the rest checked.
    The installer will now take a short moment to configure the packages. Even though the installer says it's NeXTSTEP, it is OPENSTEP.
    When the installer has completed, disconnect the floppy and restart.
    In the upcoming dialog, select your preferred language and keyboard layout and continue.
    If any dialog appears stating that the floppy is unreadable, simply press Eject and continue with the next part.

    The system is now installed...

    Screenshot of OpenStep
    ...but you're missing drivers.

    The system doesn't have any graphics or networking drivers, yet. We're going to solve at least the graphics. We will now install Patch 4 that solves the Year2K-bug and introduces a VESA-driver for better graphics. Do not get scared by the number of steps. Many steps are only clicks on buttons.

    Click on Disk, then Eject inside the Workspace menu. If there is any complaint about something being unreadable, simply eject anway.
    Mount ne2k+os42patch4+vmwarefb.iso into the CD drive (you can eject the installation iso).
    Click on the newly visible CD icon.
    Copy the contents of the CD to the folder me. You do so by marking all three items and dragging them to me.
    Go to me and double click os42machuserpatch4.tar. This will bring up a dialog stating that the file is compressed. Click Unarchive there.
    Please be patient. You wil not see any progress. Wait until you see a new file OS42MachUserPatch4.pkg before you close the inspector.
    Open /NextApps/
    Type in the following commands:
    /NextAdmin/ /me/OS42MachUserPatch4.pkg
    Click Install in the now appearing Installer.
    Leave everything at default and click Install.
    When asked to confirm that the package runs programs during the operation, click Continue.
    When asked to continue even if some of them are installed, click Continue.
    When the installation has completed, reboot by double-clicking the NeXT-icon in the upper right, then Log out and finally Power off.
    OPENSTEP will now shut down and then tell you it's safe to turn it off. Reset the VM and let it boot up again.
    You may read again that the floppy disk is unreadable. Eject it once again.
    Run /NextAdmin/
    Click on the monitor icon in the top row. In the now appearing dialog scroll down to VESA VBE 2.0 Display Driver (v1.00). You cannot use the wheel to scroll but have to drag the scrollbar on the left. Then click Add.
    Click Done, then Save.
    Reboot once more.
    You will now see a blue/white window while booting instead of the Openstep logo. If this happens, you've installed the driver successfully. You should then get a "nicely" colored desktop.
    We'll now change the resolution so you have more space to work with. To do that open up /NextAdmin/ once more, click on the monitor symbol and click Select in the section Display Mode. Choose a resolution you like but don't shoot too high. I recommend 1152x870.
    Reboot again after saving and tadaa, you have more space!

    You're done!

    I included the NE2k networking driver but could not yet figure out how to get it up and running in Parallels. If you have any ideas, shoot me an email to The VMware-file is for VMware users who like to experiment with more than the standard VESA driver.

    Have fun running the system that saved Apple and probably made a whole new industry possible!
    Additional Notes

    The developer image provides development tools like Interface Builder and sample Objective-C code to explore. You can run all the samples by clicking the Demos folder in the toolbar.
    Last Update

    January 20th, 2018