mercredi 4 février 2015

Rolling Release vs. Fixed Release Linux.

archlinux.jpgGreg Kroah-Hartman, a leading Linux developer, recently announced that he had finally retired his "traditional" Linux distro for all "rolling-release" Linux systems. He's not the only one; rolling-release distros are becoming much more popular. So, you ask, what the heck is a rolling-release Linux distro? Well, I'll tell you.
Greg Kroah-Hartman : 

 `` Arch Linux, is the most well-known rolling-release desktop Linux .,, 

A rolling-release Linux is one that's constantly being updated. To some of you, that will sound a lot like DevOps' idea of continuous deployment. You'd be right in thinking so. In both cases, the idea is that users and developers are best served by giving them the latest updates and patches as they're created.

acidburn0zzz :  P.S: Aprés investigation, 
je ferais un trucs plus pro en français et tout et tout ! 
Mais la je suis sur le culs de voire que bien que je n'ai aucune sympathie pour le type qui n'as jamais daigné faire traduire une conf en vf, et qu'il semble anti-pathique.
C'est  une pointure du monde noyau de la linux fondation
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